Dos Lunares investigates and promotes the intersections between Flamenco and Romani/Gypsy culture through printed matter, film nights, and special events.

February 21, 2010

Por Soleá

Filed under: event,flamenco,review — Dos Lunares @ 10:41 am

Camarón por soleá con Tomatito

Yesterday, I attended the Roots and Evolution of Flamenco presentation at USC sponsored by La Peña Andaluza en California. Despite arriving a bit late, I was fortunate to catch some of the performances and was especially glad to make it in time to hear Angelita Agujetas sing as she is one of my favorite local cantaoras.
After the presentation, there was a short question and answer period and a thoughtful and at times biting, discussion took place regarding flamencologists, the difference in dance styles, the use of castanets and most surprisingly, some comments on whether Camaron was a good interpreter of Solea. As someone who worships at the altar of Camaron, I was surprised to hear this but considering the source, one of the Agujetas clan, I was willing to examine the idea.
I don’t think I know enough about cante to say anything on the subject but I have included two videos here, one of Camaron con Tomatito and the other of Antonio Mairena, who is well-known for his interpretations of Solea. I will let you make your own decision.

Antonio Mairena con Manuel Morao – Soleá

Antonio Mairena con Melchor de Marchena- Soleá – Parte 2

To hear even older interpretations of Soleá, please check out the excellent site Excavated Shellac. There are a couple of very interesting soleá tracks including one por baile.

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March 5, 2009

Los Farruco in Los Angeles, review

Filed under: flamenco,review — Dos Lunares @ 1:53 am

La Farruquita sometime in the late 80s/early 90s.

The show last night was amazing! I’m not sure if the kind of Flamenco I like is well suited to a large stage production but parts of the show definitely surpassed any of my expectations. Most impressive was La Farruquita. Her son Farru can dazzle with his superior technique and his flashy moves but it’s Farruquita that can bring the house down with just the rolling of her hips. Every dance student I know was trying that move after the show! I jumped out of my seat when she performed her famous punta-planta footwork that I first saw in Bodas de Gloria.

After the show, my friends and I waited to pay homage to las reinas bailaoras and they most graciously accepted our adorations. There’s no shame in being a fan!

See this excellent review at the Los Angeles Times blog for more detailed coverage.

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