Dos Lunares investigates and promotes the intersections between Flamenco and Romani/Gypsy culture through printed matter, film nights, and special events.

February 21, 2010

Calé Rachi

Filed under: event,Film Series,flamenco — Dos Lunares @ 9:55 pm


Dos Lunares is excited to present Cal̩ Rachi a weekend of exploration into the world of Flamenco through film, discussion and interactive rhythm making/palmas in conjunction with Actions, Conversations and Intersections an exhibition of participatory art by 60 Los Angeles artists and organizations, January 24 РApril 18, 2010 at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery.

Our Flamenco weekend will kick off with a film night, discussion and tapas on Friday, March 5 at 7:30pm. We will be screening the wonderful documentary El Turista Soy Yo about Flamenco singer Luis Agujetas, the youngest son of the well-known and highly regarded Flamenco cantaor Agujetas el Viejo. This documentary by Trina Bardusco, follows Luis Agujetas through his daily rituals which include his nightly job singing at the famous Flamenco tourist mecca La Carbonería en Sevilla, Spain.

Palmas, the art of Flamenco hand clapping will be featured in our Sunday presentation, March 7 at 2pm. Join us for a lively afternoon of interactive, participatory rhythm making with Los Angeles bailaora, Cristina Lucio.

The name of our presentation, Calé Rachi or Gypsy Night is a nod to the intersections of Chicano and Gitano culture that took place along the Mexican-American border during the early 1900s.

Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Park 4804 Hollywood Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90027-5302 – (213) 485-4581

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February 17, 2010

Dos Lunares Film Night

Filed under: event,Film Series,flamenco — Dos Lunares @ 1:18 am


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January 7, 2010


Filed under: Film Series,Romani — Dos Lunares @ 12:04 am

Happy New Year!

Some exciting events coming up this year! In March Dos Lunares will be presenting a program at the Barnsdall Municipal Art Gallery, more info coming soon.

For now, I am excited by the trailer for Tony Gatliff’s new film Liberté. The visuals go along with the book I’m currently reading Zoli by Colum McCann.

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June 7, 2008

Flamenco and Tapas!

Filed under: Film Series — Dos Lunares @ 9:26 am

Please join up for an evening of
Flamenco and Tapas!
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Showing excerpts from the
film Bodas de Gloria, an
audio-visual treat of Flamenco
dances performed by the
legendary Gypsy dynasty:
Los Farrucos.

Also, a presentation on
the history of Flamenco by
Dos Lunares, Los Angeles.

Presentation followed by
discussion and tapas.

John C Fremont Branch
Los Angeles Public Library
6121 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 962-3521

In conjunction with this event, the library also has a special display of Flamenco themed books, available for library patrons.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all again!

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March 14, 2007

Saturday’s Film Night-Thank you!

Filed under: Film Series — Dos Lunares @ 8:52 am

Thanks to everyone for another fun night of Romani and Flamenco music. We were excited to see so many people make it out for the film and apologies for not anticipating we would need more seating!

Please continue to check the website for updates on our new online store, future film nights and other events.

Also, for those of you interested in the similarities between the Caló of Spanish Gitanos and the Caló of Southwest Chicanos, this Wikipedia article has a few references. I will add more links as I find them.

Dos Lunares welcomes all contributions, suggestions and feedback. Please let us know too, if you have a film to recommend for future film nights.

Thanks again!

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February 23, 2007

Dos Lunares Film Night

Filed under: Film Series — Dos Lunares @ 11:00 am

Traditional Roma Dance, Macedonia

Dos Lunares Film Night
Saturday, March 10, 6pm

The Romany Trail Part Two: Gypsy Music Into Africa
The Romany Trail Part Two takes you to India to find what are believed to be the original Gypsy families whose descendents migrated across the Middle East to Africa and Europe. In India, the familiar acrobats, bear trainers, puppeteers, actors, magicians and musicians are there, many with the same family names as European Gypsies. Then it’s on to Eastern Europe, among the oppressed Gypsy communities of then-Communist Europe, into workers’ hostels, private homes, and community streets where Gypsies are found-a penetrating underground tour of a fabled people’s existence.

Also, a short clip from Tony Gatliff’s Latcho Drom featuring La Caita and Remedios Amaya.

Please join us for a small party following the films to mark the culmination of our winter film series.
All are invited for another fun evening of fine films, discussion, tapas and drinks!

Sandpaper Books
3706 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90065

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February 3, 2007

Dos Lunares Film Night, Feb 17

Filed under: Film Series — Dos Lunares @ 10:27 pm

El Cable 2
El Cable with Martin Chico

Thanks to the enthusiastic response we received from our inaugural film night, we’ve been eagerly anticipating presenting the second film in our series, Tao Ruspoli’s El Cable (30 minutes).
The film is described as an “electrifying portrait of flamenco singer and dancer, and gypsy bohemian Rafael ‘El Cable.'” The documentary provides “an insider’s glimpse into the Gypsy flamenco scene in Seville, with appearances by such legends as Juan Del Gastor, Juan Camas, Martin Chico and many others.”

To round out the evening of engaging Flamenco films, we’ll also be showing Los Almendros-Plaza Nueva (30 minutes).

We invite you to join us for a fun evening of discussion, tapas, drinks and fine films!

Saturday, February 17
5:30 pm
Sandpaper Books
3706 N Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90065

El Cable

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January 23, 2007

Thank you!

Filed under: Film Series — Dos Lunares @ 10:26 am

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the first film night. There was lots of good company, food, drink and music. Cheers to those of you who stuck around for the after-party mini juerga! Can’t wait for the next film night in February when we will be showing El Cable.

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January 6, 2007

Dos Lunares Film Night

Filed under: Film Series — Dos Lunares @ 9:41 pm

Flamenco-Sacramonte, Granada.

Dos Lunares begins it’s film series on Saturday, January 20th with the documentary The Romany Trail Part One: Gypsy Music into Africa. A precursor to the popular film Latcho Drom, this documentary follows the historical journey of the Roma as they moved through India, North Africa and into Spain. In the various countries where they’ve settled, Gypsies have created lasting art forms through music and dance by meshing their distinctive Gypsy style with native traditions. This excellent documentary contains rare footage of Roma performers as well as interviews with locals, scholars and artists. This is part one of the series, part two to be shown at a future date. Light refreshments will be served.
Please join us for our inaugural screening!

Saturday, January 20
Gather 5:30, film starts at 6pm
@Sandpaper Books
3706 N. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA 90065

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