Dos Lunares investigates and promotes the intersections between Flamenco and Romani/Gypsy culture through printed matter, film nights, and special events.

May 9, 2010

Madre Juana

Filed under: clips,flamenco — Dos Lunares @ 6:07 pm

Juana Cruz “Madre Juana” (1972)

Thanks to Juana Cruz, la madre de Camaron, for passing on her arte to her son and to all the mothers who share their gifts and beauty with the world.

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May 2, 2010

Favorite Video of the Week: Manuel Carrasco

Filed under: clips,flamenco — Dos Lunares @ 11:42 pm

Manuela Carrasco

A beautiful clip, a perfect setting. One of the best eras for flamenco. ‘La Diosa’ in all her flamenco puro glory!

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