Controversy surrounding ‘Roma Passport’
From the European Roma and Travellers Forum
Drago amala,/ Dear Friends,
A short while ago, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe received a letter from the International Romani Union, informing him of the creation of a Roma passport as a new identification document of the Roma people around the world.
Considering the role and the objectives of the European Roma and Travellers Forum, I would like to use this opportunity to warn Roma around the world not to associate themselves with this document. The so-called ‘Roma passport’ is unlawful and as such it does not comply with any international standards which would allow for it to be considered as a legal identification document.
Many Roma who are not well informed and who are facing the problem of lack of personal Identification papers in the country they live in could think that this is a solution to their problem. Holders of such document when crossing country borders could be charged with a criminal offense.
I am urging you not to send any photos or money aiming at obtaining such a document. You should instead inform all Roma people you know that this so-called ‘passport’ has no validity and that it is also illegal. We should not be seen as supporting a business which puts our community in a challenging situation.
The European Roma and Travellers Forum has started an investigation on this matter and hopefully we will be able to come back to you very soon with our results..
Thank you very much for your cooperation and support!
Rudko Kawczynski
European Roma and Travellers ForumEvropako Forumo e Romengo thaj e Phirutnengo (EFRP)
Forum européen des Roms et des Gens du voyage (FERV)
European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF)DG III – Cohésion Sociale / Social Cohesion
Conseil de l’Europe / Council of Europe
AGORA Bâtiment – 1 quai Jacoutot
F – 67075 StrasbourgTel.: + 33 (0)3 90 21 43 31
Fax: + 33 (0)3 90 21 56 58