Dos Lunares investigates and promotes the intersections between Flamenco and Romani/Gypsy culture through printed matter, film nights, and special events.

August 30, 2009

Favorite Video of the Week: Romano Horo

Filed under: clips,General,Romani — Dos Lunares @ 4:51 pm

Esma Redžepova-Romano horo

Charming song by Esma, Queen of the Gypsies. I love the 60s tropical flourishes, the background vocals, the bongos and of course, Esma’s gorgeous voice.

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August 28, 2009

Controversy surrounding ‘Roma Passport’

Filed under: Romani — Dos Lunares @ 1:21 pm

From the European Roma and Travellers Forum


Drago amala,/ Dear Friends,

A short while ago, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe received a letter from the International Romani Union, informing him of the creation of a Roma passport as a new identification document of the Roma people around the world.

Considering the role and the objectives of the European Roma and Travellers Forum, I would like to use this opportunity to warn Roma around the world not to associate themselves with this document. The so-called ‘Roma passport’ is unlawful and as such it does not comply with any international standards which would allow for it to be considered as a legal identification document.

Many Roma who are not well informed and who are facing the problem of lack of personal Identification papers in the country they live in could think that this is a solution to their problem. Holders of such document when crossing country borders could be charged with a criminal offense.

I am urging you not to send any photos or money aiming at obtaining such a document. You should instead inform all Roma people you know that this so-called ‘passport’ has no validity and that it is also illegal. We should not be seen as supporting a business which puts our community in a challenging situation.

The European Roma and Travellers Forum has started an investigation on this matter and hopefully we will be able to come back to you very soon with our results..

Thank you very much for your cooperation and support!

Rudko Kawczynski
European Roma and Travellers Forum

Evropako Forumo e Romengo thaj e Phirutnengo (EFRP)
Forum européen des Roms et des Gens du voyage (FERV)
European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF)

DG III – Cohésion Sociale / Social Cohesion
Conseil de l’Europe / Council of Europe
AGORA Bâtiment – 1 quai Jacoutot
F – 67075 Strasbourg

Tel.: + 33 (0)3 90 21 43 31
Fax: + 33 (0)3 90 21 56 58

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August 27, 2009

Gelem Gelem

Filed under: clips,Romani — Dos Lunares @ 10:19 pm

Gelem Gelem sung by Jaroslav Godla

What a gorgeous performance of this beautiful song! Gelem Gelem or Djelem Djelem is the official anthem of Romani people worldwide.

From the website

Written by Zarko Jovanovic, 1969
Adopted as the official Romani anthem at the First World Romani Congress in London, England, April 8, 1971


Djelem, djelem, lungone dromensa
Maladilem baxtale Romensa
Djelem, djelem, lungone dromensa
Maladilem baxtale Romensa.
Ay, Romale, Ay, Chavale,
Ay, Romale, Ay, Chavale.
Ay Romale, katar tumen aven
Le tserensa baxtale dromensa
Vi-man sas u bari familiya
Tai mudardya la e kali legiya.
Aven mansa sa lumiake Roma
Kai putaile le Romane droma
Ake vryama – ushti Rom akana
Ame xutasa mishto kai kerasa.
Ay, Romale, Ay Chavale,
Ay, Romale, Ay Chavale.

English translations of the lyrics by Ron Lee

I have travelled over long roads
I have met fortunate Roma
I have travelled far and wide
I have met lucky Roma
Oh, Romani adults, Oh Romani youth
Oh, Romani adults, Oh Romani youth
Oh, Roma, from wherever you have come
With your tents along lucky roads
I too once had a large family
But the black legion murdered them
Come with me, Roma of the world
To where the Romani roads have been opened
Now is the time – stand up, Roma,
We shall succeed where we make the effort.
Oh, Roma adults, Oh, Roma youth
Oh, Roma adults, Oh, Roma youth.


Here’s a website dedicated to Gelem, Gelem with many different versions of the song.

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August 2, 2009

International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust)

Filed under: clips,Romani — Dos Lunares @ 9:47 am

Romani holocaust survivor Margita Makulová singing Auschwitz.

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July 29, 2009

Latcho drom

Filed under: clips,flamenco,Romani — Dos Lunares @ 10:50 am

La vie manouche

Beautiful video with music by Django Reinhardt!

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International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos

Filed under: General,Romani — Dos Lunares @ 10:43 am

Message from Rom News Network

Dear Roma community and RomNews readers,

We feel obliged to inform you about the on-going development on the International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust), on August the 2nd 2009 and the campaign “RememberThem”.

Many countries – from the United States to Russia and from Norway to Italy – already posted their participation, and currently, more than 18 events in Europe have already been announced. But we want to inform you in detail before August the 2nd so that you can join an event near your area, or be invited to organize your own event and include it on Translations, Event Calendar, Photos, Videos, Grafics and Links.

Please register at this site ! If you’re already member of a another group on, the easiest way is to register directly on and then search in “search social networks” for: International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust)

Please find background texts in different languages here:










Press Releases:

Use the Grafics: (animated gif); (Remember Them)


Video Message on the International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust) from Rudko Kawczynski President of the European Roma and Travellers Forum (Romanes spoken with English subtitles ):

[ Hi-Resolution for Broadcasting - Use it for free ! (85 MB - mpeg)]
 [ Good resolution (7,17 MB - mp4)]

[ Mobile Video Format (1 MB - 3gp) ] 
[ Email Version - small resolution (800 KB - wmv) ]
[ Email Version - high resolution (1,8 MB - wmv) ]

Audio Download:                                                    
[For Radios, MP3Players and iPods: Message as Audio (MP3 - 1,8 MB - 128 kbps - 44100Hz Stereo)]


International Remembrance Day of Roma Victims of the Pharraimos (Holocaust) Cause:

I want to stop Roma persecution Cause:

Remember Them camapign website:

RomNews Network

PO Box 60 62´31

22254 Hamburg

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June 28, 2009

Boda Gitano

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dos Lunares @ 10:58 pm

Ajuntamiento Gitano en Navalmoral de la Mata, Caceres

Spanish TV show Callejero takes a look at a Gitano wedding or “ajuntamiento.”

Dos familias, Los Vargas y los Perea, se dan cita en una finca de la localidad cacereña para celebrar el ajuntamiento –que no boda- de Jesús y Samara. En este ajuntamiento no hay “prueba del pañuelo” porque Samara no llegó virgen al matrimonio, pero sí hay “manzana”, el momento en el que los invitados hacen su regalo a los novios, en forma de billetes

More from the Caceres wedding

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June 25, 2009

Bernarda y Diego

Filed under: clips,flamenco — Dos Lunares @ 9:32 pm

An amazing tientos with two of Flamenco’s finest. This clip is notable for the facial expressions Bernarda makes, que gitana!

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April 22, 2009

Naci en el Alamo

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dos Lunares @ 10:12 pm

Remedios Silva Pisa-Naci en el Alamo. Extended interview in French with filmmaker Tony Gatliff following video.

Like many, I first became acquainted to this song through the movie Vengo. It plays a pivotal role in one of the scenes and the songs perfectly echoes the heartache and loss that permeates this film. After the movie was released, many folks became obsessed with finding out more information about the singer Remedios Silva Pisa. Unfortunately, not much was available except for the rumor she recorded this song at age 16. I’ve recently tried to do a bit more research on her but have had little luck beyond what others have uncovered.

I did discover the song is originally a Greek Romani song called O balamos , balamos and was originally sung in the Greek Gypsy dialect. The title of the song eventually became known as, “To tragoudi ton gyfton,” The song of the Gypsies.

Giorgos Katsaris – To tragoudi twn gyftwn(mpalamo)

Some claim the song was composed in 1992 by Dionysis Tsaknis and performed by many famous Greek singers such George Dalaras , Paschalis Terzis, Eleni Vitali , Manolis Lidakis and the composer himself. Others say the song was originally released by an unknown singer called Yorgos Katsaris.

Yasmin Levy-Naci en el Alamo

Another popular version is by the Sephardic singer, Yasmin Levy. Yasmin’s father was Itzhak Levi, director of the Judeo-Spanish program at Kol Israel (Israel National Radio) for many years. She is well-known for her bridge building work between Jews and Arabs.

Ο Mπαλαμός – Eλένη Βιτάλη/Haig Yazdjian

Another beautiful Greek version.

No tengo lugar
Y no tengo paisaje
Yo menos tengo patria

Con mis dedos hago el fuego
Con mi corazon te canto
Las cuerdas de mi corazon lloran

Naci en alamo
Naci en alamo
No tengo lugar
Y no tengo paisaje
Yo menos tengo patria

Ay cuando canta(n), con tus dolores nuestras mujeres te hechizan

*Everywhere the title is “Naci en Alamo” but alamo could be the Gitano pronunciation of “Naci en el amor.”

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March 21, 2009


Filed under: flamenco — Dos Lunares @ 1:54 am

Manuel Molina, La Negra y Carmelilla, 1986

This is the Flamenco era I fell in love with and pine for. If only there was a Flamenco time machine!

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